The Balloon Tree by Phoebe Gilman

APA Citation: Gilman, P. (1997). The balloon tree. Richmond Hill, ON: Firefly Books, Ltd.

Plot summary: Young Princess Leora loves balloons. When the King, Leora’s father, leaves on a trip, her uncle the archduke makes his move to take over the kingdom… and his first order of business is to destroy all of the balloons in the kingdom! Escaping from her room, Leora finds a balloon and plants it in the ground. Overnight, a balloon tree magically grows, and balloons once again fill the kingdom. Upon seeing the balloons in the sky, the King knows to return, and saves his daughter and kingdom from the evil archduke.

Relation to other works: Phoebe Gilman has written a number of works similar in tone including my own personal favourite, Something From Nothing (1993).

Appeal: The illustrations are beautiful, but this story has a great strong main character for whom readers will root. This also has a classic fairytale storyline (princess, evil uncle, magic, happy ending).

Audience or readership: Ages 4-8.

Limitations or weaknesses: The story is fairly simple and while the heroine is feisty, the plot is predictable.

Overall assessment: This is a great example of a fairytale done right. The illustrations are beautiful, and intricate enough to pour over, and readers will love the heroine. This is a picture book that I can see children asking to hear read again and again. A magical story! Grade: A

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