
APA Citation: Neopets. (2014). Neopets. Retrieved from

Plot summary: Neopets is a virtual pet website that allows users to play a variety of games to earn “Neopoints,” with which they can purchase items, food, and perks. Users are able to create homes for their pets, explore different “worlds,” within the universe, and make social connections with others.  Neopets now also accepts real currency in exchange for Neopoints.

Relation to other works: Club Penguin ( is another website where users can create penguin avatars, purchase and decorate homes, and interact with other users. However, Neopets offers a whole world to explore, with food shops, banks, pet hotels – even a “battledome”! Even if users are not interacting in the social forums or playing games, there is a lot to do on the website, and this is where the two differ.

Appeal: The sheer number of activities on the website makes for an incredibly varied experience. Many similar websites, after a reasonable amount of time spent playing the games, become boring or tired. There are so many things to do on Neopets that I actually had to remind myself to go do other things.

Audience or readership: Ages 5 and up.

Limitations or weaknesses: The user interface is a little clunky, and the navigation leaves a little to be desired. The games are okay, but are mostly basic flash (and occasionally they will freeze during play).

Overall assessment: Neopets is a really fun website! I’m not sure how much time users will actually spend on their pets, but playing games, collecting items, and exploring the many worlds will certainly keep them occupied. And, best of all, age appropriate. Grade: A


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