Kirby’s Epic Yarn for Nintendo Wii

APA Citation: Kirby’s Epic Yarn. (2010). [Nintendo Wii software]. Redmond, WA: Nintendo of America.

Plot summary: Kirby’s Epic Yarn takes place in “Patch Land,” where Kirby has been banished – an entire world made of fabric! Suddenly Kirby is turned to yarn, thus rendering his ability to fly useless (air can pass right through him). In order to complete the game, players must collect seven pieces of magic yarn for Prince Fluff of Patch Land.

Relation to other works: This is but one of many games starring the popular character Kirby, and fans of this game might enjoy the rest of the Kirby series. Alternatively, for players who like “platforming” games, Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Super Mario 3-D World are two other great options that are similar in both look and game play.

Appeal: This game is a whole lot of fun. Players will be immediately hooked by the bright colours, upbeat music, and clever action and puzzle elements. This game also includes a twist for players familiar with the Kirby series, as some of Kirby’s most commonly used abilities are no longer viable! The design of the game is particularly imaginative, and “Patch Land” is hilarious to explore (for example, Kirby can pull threads, buttons, and so on).

Audience or readership: Ages 8 and up.

Limitations or weaknesses: This isn’t a game that focuses on the story or characters, and some players will find this to be a weakness. Kirby’s Epic Yarn definitely plays up the cute factor and isn’t a great choice for players interested in plot elements.

Overall assessment: This is an awesome game for younger players who want to move away from some of the more violent video games out there. Instead, Kirby’s Epic Yarn requires players to rely on solving puzzles in order to move on. The graphics are unique and keep the player interested in the world in front of them. A feel-good game that is appropriate for most. Grade: A

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